Public Presentation
Upcoming dates
For the upcomming dates of the public presentations please see the german version of this page.
Public Presentation of the Research Project
Dies Doctoralis
According to the Statutes, the topic of the doctoral thesis has to be approved by the Director of the Doctoral Study Programme within the first year. The approval is based on the research proposal and its public presentation. The public presentation serves a twofold purpose. Firstly, new doctoral candidates and their research topics are introduced to the faculty. Secondly, the presentation is supposed to offer all attendants a platform for exchange and feedback.
The public presentation is chaired by the Director of the Doctoral Study Programme and attended by members of the doctoral advisory board of your faculty. They will provide feedback to the research projects and evaluate whether the projects meets the scientific standards and if they can be realized successfully in a reasonable timeframe.
As student you are obliged to be present during the whole workshop. The supervisors and advisory board members should make themselves available for a slot (= 2 presentations in a row) so that they can discuss internally after each 2 presentations.
Further information on public presentations can be found at Center for Doctoral Studies.
Information for those who got an admission letter
After successful admission to the study, you must complete the requirements (prescribed in the admission letter) during the course of study, but BEFORE the public presentation, in addition to the courses prescribed in the curriculum.
Registration for Dies Doctoralis
To register for one of the dates, please send the necessary forms by e-mail to An application for the Dies Doctoralis can only be accepted if you are admitted for the study.
- Form Bekanntgabe von Dissertationsthema und Betreuer_in SL/D11
(Filaname: surname_first name_identification number_topic.pdf) - Exposé
Please respect the guidelines (german / english).
(Filename: surname_first name_identification number_expose.pdf) - Form Regulations to good scientific practice
- Statement on the dissertation project by the supervisor (in the case of two supervisors, both statements)
- An informal declaration of willingness by an advisory board member to participate in the presentation, stating the exact date.
The group of persons available for selection can be found under: Doctoral Advisory Board SPL 42.
The nomination of a substitute member is recommended.
In justified exceptional cases, the supervisors and advisory board members may request a specific time slot.
Submission of documents
All documents must be submitted electronically (as 5 separate .pdf-documents) to within the deadline for the presentation appointments.
Applications may be made at all times, however there is a limited amount of presentations possible at each Dies Doctoralis. We advise you to hand in your application in advance to the deadline.