The doctoral thesis is the central element in all doctoral programmes. The doctoral thesis proves the ability of the doctoral candidate to conduct independent scientific work on a high academic level. It shows their capability to comprehend and reflect the latest state of art in their field of research and extend this field through methodologically founded contributions.
The thesis is presented to two reviewers. Together with his/her supervisor the doctoral candidate can suggest three experts as reviewers.
Assignment of a thesis to reviewers
Please nominate three reviewers, two of whom will be selected by the Studienpräses. These reviewers should primarily be external (=not employed at the University of Vienna). In justified cases, internal colleagues can also be named. Please ensure a balanced gender distribution.
Only in special cases the supervisor can be appointed as reviewer. If this occurs, then the second reviewer has to be external.
It is strongly recommended to submit the form for the assignment of a thesis to reviewers at least four weeks before submitting the dissertation (electronically:
Together with the form and the abstract you have to send also the CV (1-2 pages) and a list of publications of the external assessors who are not employed at the University of Vienna.
Submission of the thesis
Before you submit the thesis the following must be done:
- Doctoral thesis agreement
- Annual progress reports
- Assignment of a thesis to reviewers
- Prüfungspass (List of courses and the Transcript of records, for details see)
For the submission of the thesis you need to consider:
The formal requirements can be found in the Guideline (only in German).
The title page of your thesis will be generated automatically in u:space, so please upload your thesis without the title page.
If you are submitting a multi-volume thesis, a title page must be included in all volumes. Please note "Band 1 von 2 / Volume 1 of 2" (Band 2 von 2 / Volume 2 of 2) under the title of your work.
- Upload the complete and final version of your thesis as one single PDF-file in u:space. If any textual similarities are detected between your work and other texts, the study program management will examine whether it constitutes plagiarism. Afterwards you receive feedback (to your u:account) confirming a successful plagiarism check (can take up to few days).
- After the plagiarism check send the signed proof of upload to the SSC (
- Afterwards deposit the hard-bound dissertation (3 copies), without appointment but as soon as possible, at the "Portier" which you can find in the Campus, Door 4.5 (MO - FR, 8:00-18:00). Alternatively, you may always choose to send the hardback copies via post at our adress Spitalgasse 2, Campus Hof 1, Tür 1.9, 1090 Wien. The printed version must exactly match the electronically submitted version.
- Wait for the feedback from the SSC via email about the assessment (max. four months). We will inform you when we get BOTH assessments.
Guidelines for Cumulative dissertations at the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies and the Center for Translation Studies.
Blockage of the doctoral thesis
The usage of the doctoral thesis in the University Library may be blocked up to five years with a particular justification. The application for blockage has to be handed in along with your thesis.
If you wish to block access to your thesis only online, please mark the required field while uploading the thesis to Hopla. In this case you don´t need the form for application for blocage.