How long does it take to get my certificate?

It can take up to four weeks after your final examination. 

Statistik Austria

You must present the confirmation about the participation on the online survey of Statistik Austria in order to receive the graduation documents.

Receipt of the graduation documents

We have switched to digital graduation documents, which are certified by means of an official digital signature.

These digital documents will be sent via email on your unet account.

You can find more information about the official digital signature on the website of the Office of the Studienpräses (only in German).


It is possible to check the official digital signature here:

General information about the official digital signature:

Graduation Ceremony

If you want to participate on a Graduation Ceremony in Main Ceremonial Hall (Großer Festsaal) use the U:Space system to register directly.

A registration is possible after you received your documents and once the official notice has entered into legal force (after the expiry of the four-week period for appeal).