Doctoral programme at the Faculty

The 42nd directorate of studies is responsible for the PhD-curriculum in the fields of humanities, cultural studies, philosophy and educationals scienes within the area of philological and cultural studies as well as the PhD in translation studies.


Directors of the Doctoral Study Programme Kathrin Sartingen

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Yavuz Köse (Deputy)
ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Lydia Miklautsch (Deputy)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karen Schramm (Deputy)

Guideline Cotutelle de thèse

Guideline for cumulative dissertations of the Directorate of the doctoral study programme of the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies and the Centre for Translation Studies (DSPL 42). You can find general information here



Further information on PhD-studies at the University of Vienna can be found at the Center for Doctoral Studies and the Büro Studienpräses